History of Lions Seva Eye Hospital

Lions club of Jabalpur was established in the year 1996. The problem of avoidable blindness in the unavailability of early intervention towards eye care has been a major concern in the Indian healthcare scenario, especially in PurbaBardhaman District, West Bengal. 

Understanding that in a developing country like India the government alone cannot meet the health care demands of the aspiring population hence to facilitate the outcome few socially conscious members of Lions Club of Jamalpur dreamt of an Eye hospital to serve the people of Jamalpur Block & other Block & Villages of PurbaBardhaman district, West Bengal and hence Lions Seva Eye Hospital was envisaged in 1998. The hospital is governed by a trust called Lions Club of Jamalpur Welfare Trust. 

By virtue of its location, Jamalpur Block is part of the Khandaghosh Plain, which lays in the south-western part of the district, The Damodar flows through the area. The left bank of river Damodar is protected against flood with embankments in portions of the south of the Damodar River. The region has alluvial soil of recent origin. Unlike the rest of Bardhaman district, which lies to the north of the Damodar River, the Khandaghosh-Jamalpur-Raina area lies on the alluvial plains between the Damodar on its southern/ eastern side and the Dwarakeswar River. As a result, it has been a flood prone area.

The hospital which began with offering basic patient care service added several features thereafter. In the past two decades, the organization’s approach has undergone a sea-change. As the volume of patients has increased the quality of its services, equipment and capacity has also gone up enormously, thanks to the support of international agencies and philanthropists. The human resources at the hospital have also strengthened as a result of recruitment of more skilled ophthalmic surgeons and paramedics as well as administrative and support staff.

Lions Seva Eye Hospital now has two buildings having floor space of 12000 sq.ft. The hospitals having 6 permanent Vision Centres and 8 partnered Centres where from a substantial nos. of patients are coming to hospital for eye disease treatment & surgeries. It is an only dedicated Eye Hospital in Jamalpur, Purba Bardhaman district, West Bengal within a radius of 50KM with latest ophthalmic equipment, comprehensive eye care services including diagnostics, treatment facilities & Pathology setup.

The service area of the Lions Seva Eye Hospital is a central place covering 22 lakh populations and spread over three districts and 12 blocks of Purba Bardhaman, Hooghly & Bankura district. The area is rich in agriculture production & per-capita income is relatively higher compared to other areas of the State.

Since establishment annually 50,000 plus patients are examined & 3,000 plus eye surgeries are conducted and the hospital intends to meet 6,000 eye surgeries in a year.

Now the hospital has been developed into a tertiary level hospital. The hospital renders sub-specialty services in Medical Retina. The hospital has a well-equipped pathology laboratory, optical and pharmacy shop.

A sliding scale fee structure was introduced to enable people from different economic strata to receive high-quality eye care services at an affordable cost. Approximately 60 present patients are treated free of cost at LSEH. With the revenue generated from paying cases the organization is able to cross-subsidize free cases and meet its burgeoning expenses. Thus, LSEH has successfully established itself as the largest eye care service providers of Purba Bardhaman, Bankura & Hooghly district.

LSEH is the Institutional Member of Vision 2020 & has partnership with Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF), Operation Eyesight Universal (OEU) and SEVA Foundation. Cognizant Foundation & Indian Oil, Ncourage Foundation extended support under CSR to ensure sustainability & reach.

LSEH is an ISO 9001-2015 certified hospital, & the hospital is an approved service provider under Govt. of West Bengal Swasthya Sathi scheme, West Bengal Police & other leading TPAs’.

We are extending eye care services with all sub-specialties through specialty qualified eye surgeons, paramedics & other technical staff. We are also planning to expand our services by adding more latest ophthalmic equipment & establishing 5 more vision centers to extend our reach.

In addition to our eye care services we are also involved in various livelihood projects like production of biodegradable sanitary napkins through the members of self-help groups, ASHA workers. This has also another aspect to make aware the rural women regarding menstrual hygiene.

We have a dedicated Dental Clinic, Pathology Laboratory, Homeopathy Clinic & 24 hours’ ambulance & Oxygen service, Purified Drinking water project etc.

Vision Statement

To become a centre of excellence by providing quality healthcare services to all & committed to ensure highest possible standards, to satisfy community needs, expectations, safety & reliability

Mission Statement

Committed to provide quality, affordable healthcare services through dedicated teamwork and making it accessible to the unreachedy


Patient Centric Approach

We maintain our patient service in priority one. We are committed to our standards of service through dedicated team work to exceeding the expectations of those we serve

Excellence in Service Rendered

We are committed to our standards of service excellence and dedicated to exceeding the expectations of those we serve. We believe in continuous improvement in our service quality based on patient feedback & learning.

Patient Safety

We are committed to provide absolute patent safety & security without compromising quality eye care standard.  We have close monitoring mechanism of the patient & employee safety parameters.

Team Work

We foster an atmosphere of trust, collaboration, transparency, openness and cooperation between patient & employees. Team members carry out their role & responsibilities with sincerity.


We promise to honor the dignity, individuality and rights of everyone including patients, colleagues, stakeholders, and partners. We pay particular attention to the patients’ rights to privacy, confidentiality, and information.


We are transparent, ethical and maintain a culture of trust and accountability. We bring openness, transparency and honesty to our communication with patients, employees, stakeholders, Partners.


The LSEH aims to become a Centre of Excellence in eye care by providing quality & affordable eye care services available to the unreached.
Following are few important objectives for achieving its long-term goal:

  • Develop as an Ophthalmic Training Centre in the region. Coming up with various short-term training courses to build capacity of ophthalmic and paramedical personnel. The organization also plans to provide short term trainings, Seminars, Workshop and help in capacity building of other eye health care support professionals in the region through a robust training methodology imparted by a skilled trainer workforce.
  • Expand eye care service delivery in under-served areas through improving and up scaling the Outreach activities.
  • Capacity building of the underprivileged/wicker section women through a livelihood project & create employment among the rural women by providing engagement opportunity to them.
  • To produce Low Cost sanitary napkin and distribute the same among the rural women.
  • Where we are

Lions Eye Hospital today have a geographical spreaded in Purbaba Bardhaman, Bankura & Hooghly districts

Making Primary Eye Care reachable to unreached

Vision centres play a vital role in making affordable Eye Care services accessible. Creating a system were early interception could be made reachable required a static body that could act as a contact centre to provide primary eye care consultation, and bring local stakeholders, community change agents, and duty bearers to take an active role in intercepting the persons and bring them to eye care early. The centres also act as a contact to sensitize, train and engage people who may further replicate the process to end ignorance towards avoidable blindness and bring people to treatment before it is too late.

LSEH today has 3 Vision centres & 8 Fixed Date Camp Partners spread across a region of 450 km to intercept the patient and provide treatment earliest possible. Once intercepted if required the vision centre act as a referral station to the hospital where the patient receives specialized eye care at subsidized rates.

The Outreach programme especially targets to bring women to health care. Through various door-to-door sensitization measures, workshops with women-only groups and including men to sensitize them to take equal onus and participation in bringing the woman to health care. LSEH believes woman awareness/education can play a major role in creating an aware space for the children and other family members inculcate healthy habits and ensure better health and hygiene for the family.