Vision centres play a vital role in making affordable Eye Care services accessible. Creating a system were early interception could be made reachable required a fixedfacility that could act as a contact centre to provide primary eye care consultation, and bring formal and informal stakeholders, community partners, local actions groups to take an active role in intercepting the persons and bring them to eye care early. The centres also act as a contact to sensitize, train and engage people who may further replicate the process to end ignorance towards avoidable blindness and bring people to treatment before it is too late.

LSEH today has 06 Vision centres& 8 Fixed Date Patient Referral Centres (FDC) spread across a region of 450 km to intercept the patient and provide treatment earliest possible. Once intercepted if required the vision centre act as a referral unit to the hospital where the patient receives specialized eye care at subsidized rates.

The Outreach programme especially targets to bring women to health care. Through various door-to-door sensitization measures, workshops with women-only groups and including men to sensitize them to take equal onus and participation in bringing the woman to health care. LSEH believes woman awareness/education can play a major role in creating an aware space for the children and other family members inculcate healthy habits and ensure better health and hygiene for the family.

Vision Centre Details:

  • Seharabazar
  • Helan
  • Roll
  • Pahalanpur
  • Shaspur
  • Raina
  • Deulpara

Fixed Date Centre Details:

  • Dhaniakhali
  • Dashghara
  • Gotan
  • Shyamsundar
  • Khanpur
  • Keshabpur
  • Tarakeswar
  • Bantir
  • Pandua


LionsSeva Eye Hospital conducts regularly Eye Screening camp for the underprivileged to reach the unreached to eliminate avoidable blindness in PurbaBardhaman, Bankura& Hooghly district within our service area, besides the eye screening camps we also organize specialise camps like DR, School screening, etc. In collaboration with local NGOs local club, camp partners, we conduct these screening camps at peripheral suburban and rural areas. Surgeries are performed free of cost or at subsidized cost both at the base hospital.

Following are the requirements before you plan to conduct a camp at your locality:

Request Letter addressed to Administrator, Lions Seva Eye Hospital, with subject requesting for a free Eye Screening camp

Required details in your request letter:

  • Date and place (Camp location).
  • Type of the camp (Cataract, Screening camp, diabetic screening camp, combined camp, etc).
  • Approximate no. of patients’ footfall.
  • Timings of the Camp.


Comprehensive Eye Screening Camps:

The clinical team examines all patients for eye problems. Refraction is also done in the camp and eye glasses are offered at affordable prices. People who need cataract surgery are counselled and transported to the base hospital. No surgery is performed at the camp.

Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Camps:

Diabetic retinopathy screening camps are often held in conjunction with diabetologists or Sr. Optometrist, and include a large community education component. Because screening people for this disease requires special medical expertise, DR screening camps are specialized exclusively in the diagnosis and treatment of this disease. Patients detected with DR are referred to the hospital for adequate treatment.

Eye Screening Camps in Schools:

Eye screening camps in Schools are conducted through LSEH trained optometrist/Technicians to detect primary eye care problems. The children identified with ocular problems or disorders are referred to the hospital for detailed investigation. Wherein children needing glasses are provided free of cost or in subsidised rate.

Eye Screening through Tele-Ophthalmology:


Amar Sathi project has been conceptualized by Lions Club of Jamalpur Welfare Trust with multiple objectives to provide support to the rural women. The targeted area is as under.

  • To make awareness about maintaining Menstrual Hygiene of the rural women to save them from different diseases including cervical cancer due to following of convention method during periods.
  • To create employment among the rural women by providing engagement opportunity to them.
  • To produce Low Cost sanitary napkin and distribute the same among the rural women. We have started mass campaigning and organizing awareness camps in assistance with SHGs from May, 2019.

From the experience it reveals the women are in dire need of low cost napkin and they are ready voluntarily performing duties if Jamalpur Lions Club takes the lead in the matter. After much discussion LCJWT have organized an all women group PRERONA comprising a strong contingent of 100 women from different age groups and all belongs to different SHGs. Thereafter we have tapped different source for manufacture of low cost sanitary napkin and finalized with the support of Vatsalya Foundation, Baroda.

The member of PRERONA is working in the production unit against incentive of per pad production and other members engaged in sale in rural area through SHG members and ASHA workers in the doorstep of ultimate consumer and get sales commission. Moreover different NGOs are now contacting with us for procurement of sanitary napkin.  Finally after the close of the year the profit has been distributed between our club and SHG members on 25: 75 ratio. The 75 % margin has been distributed among the members of PRERONA.